Ayurvedic Wellness Consultations
The Initial Consultation
Your initial consultation begins with a comprehensive health history that includes questions about your digestion, sleeping patterns, daily routines, habits and tendencies. In-person visits will include examination of the tongue and pulse.
Together, we will gain an understanding of your current state of digestive strength (agni), immunity (ojas), your overall nature (dosha), and if toxins (ama) are present.
This information will help me create a personalized plan that includes Ayurvedic dietary guidance and a nutritional program, daily routine and lifestyle changes. This may also include personalized breathing techniques, exercises, aromatherapy and more. These findings will be presented one week after our initial consultation.
Can be done in person or remotely.
60-90 minutes
Includes the findings session
Findings Session
Typically held one week after your initial consultation. During this visit, we will discuss the findings from your consultation, any current imbalances, and the implementation of the first step in your program.
You’ll receive a personalized plan with recommendations for restoring balance and achieving your wellness goals.
Recommendations may include food and herbal education, lifestyle and daily routines, aromatherapy, bodywork, yoga therapy, breathwork and meditation.
Can be done in person or remotely.
50-60 minutes | Cost included with Initial Consultation.
Follow-Up Visits
These visits are a check-in with your progress after being given Ayurvedic diet and lifestyle recommendations from your consultation and findings sessions. We’ll review the protocols and how you’re responding to them and make any additions to further optimize your health.
I’ll provide education, coaching, and support helping you to find solutions that work best for you.
Most importantly, you’ll do the work and stay the course in order to get the results you desire.
These visits are recommended weekly for the first three to six months.
Can be done in person or remotely.
50-60 minutes | $75